Greetings From Santa  Finland, Lappland; December 2017


The last days of December 2017 we experienced the north of Finland. Our finish friend Antton joined and guided us through insights of culture and immeasurable wilderness.

After a 30 hours travel and one night at the airport of Riga, we arrived in Rovaniemi, Lapland. We waxed the skies, packed the pulkas and started our ski trip through the forest with -22°C. The daylight between 9:30am and 3pm presented us a charming environment dipped in snow; from the bottom till the treetop, which we witnessed skying by. After 3pm, the light of the headlamps enabled us to proceed and experience the forest in a different way. After a while next to the fireplace, sipping hot water from a frozen stream we nested ourselves in the sleeping bags breathing the pure air of the wild Lapland. Some other days we spend at a cottage in the forest just next to a river. Here we enjoyed different activities to the fullest: Climbing a frozen waterfall, driving snowmobile, building a iglu and resting in the sauna just to name some.

Thank you Antton, Anna-Maira, Sari, Theo, Britta, family Niemelä, Make, Raquel and Austris, for this authentic priceless experience.


More Projects: Wilderness

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