KUCAS Projects are teamorientated trips with changing terrains and emphasis. You and our team undergo experiences outside the comfort zone; you will find yourself in unrivaled and exposed habitats related to different projects. Disquietingly on the search for challenges in the heights or the depths, in uninhabited places or in urban areas all over the world.
This website will awake your memories of your adventure. Enjoy and see you on your next KUCAS - Outdoor Projects !
Brandenburg, Germany; November 2021
Outdoor survival and first aid workshops in the woods of Brandenburg. Is there a better way to spend the Helloween weekend?
Spreewald, Germany; November 2020
For the 10th year in a row we organized a outdoor trip in November. This year 16 die-hard adventurers explored the Spreewald, a natural reserve 2 hours car drive from Berlin, Germany.
USA; August-September 2019
Our journey started in California and took us through three other states: Nevada, Arizona and Utah. We drove more that 8600 km (5340 miles) in 7 weeks, crossed two time zones and experienced very unique adventures on all terrains.
Madrid, Spain; April 2019
We could not resist to be part of this Spanish tradition and with more and less experienced toreros we had an eventful day with music, dancing and a chef which made us a traditional paella.
Azores, Portugal; September 2018
The Azores is one of the two autonomous regions of Portugal. It is an archipelago composed of nine volcanic islands in the North Atlantic Ocean about 1,360 km west of continental Portugal, we were able two visit two of the islands.
South America; 2017/2018
We had a dream: It was about experiencing and feeling South Americas unrivaled scenery and once arrived, merging into it with the art of the outdoor
sports. We made that dream come true!
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