
Find yourself inhaling the fresh sea breeze while waiting for the tide to pick up or while cooling  your paddle blisters in the river. Find yourself balancing over the watersurface or submerging into the  depth of the seas.


Welcome to KUCAS Water Projects! Here you can review our concluded Water- Projects.

Rowing like Vikings

Spreewald, Germany; November 2020


For the 10th year in a row we organized a outdoor trip in November. This year 16 die-hard adventurers explored the Spreewald, a natural reserve 2 hours car drive from Berlin, Germany.  View more

Searching for Easter Eggs

Germany, Brandenburg; April 2019


During the easter days 19 members were searching easter eggs. We started in the morning with a 14 km hike, partly through forest, partly on the shore of nearby lakes. View more

The Past


Take a look at a collection of  former experiences in the water.

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