Once, we had a dream: It was about experiencing and feeling South Americas unrivaled scenerys and once arrived, merging with the art of the outdoor sports.
Having the bachelors degree in our pockets and the travel preparations completed, we left for implementation. We bought a 4x4 car, did some arrangements and started our journey; 6 months of wilderness finally began. Being both fluent in Spanish and having all the necessary equipment in the car, allowed us to be extremely flexible. In that way we surfed, rafted, dove and flew, we paddled, hiked, rode and climbed. From the seashore to the mountain crest, from the desert to the rainforest. Being alive between +40° C to -10° C in the cover of our tent. After driving over 20.000 km and numberless breathtaking views in Chile, Argentina, Bolivia and Peru we sold the car and enjoyed our last month as backpackers in Brazil.
Here you will find a brief summary of our adventure in form of pictures. For detailed impressions see our former Blog : www.kussipato.blogspot.com
Out trip was supported by